How will I receive my final product?

We can export your animations out to many formats including stand-alone digital movie files (so you can import them into your cueing software) or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that's ready to use in the theatre.  Other formats are available.  Just ask.

Will it be possible to have my projections cued to time?

Yes. They can include dramatic timings from your Director’s (or Stage Manager's) notes.  We would talk to them about this to get the best cued-up file for your production.  Sometimes cues can even be timed to music.  The possibilities are limitless.

How long will my new project take?

The requirements for each project will be very different.  We will take the time to understand and replicate your artistic goals. Achieving this may require a few conceptual discussion meetings, and it may be necessary for you to see several demos or drafts of proposed work.  However, our aim will be get to your project completed within the time-frame you decide... but always give as much lead time as possible to allow for maximum creativity opportunities.

Do you provide projection equipment?

Not currently, but images can easily be projected onto a screen or wall, depending on the venue you have in mind.  Projector equipment can be expensive, but as it's becoming mainstream to use projections, competitive pricing is becoming more available. We'll do our best to help you find the equipment you'll need, if your theatre can't source it easily. You can also have a look at some companies that we've worked with.

Can you record my actors and make them a part of the projections?

Yes, it may be possible to record your actors in advance performing their antics in front of a green screen. With this we can isolate their bodies and put them in front of any still or animated background you can imagine.  This will allow you to create a virtual or interactive experience between your projected characters and live stage characters.

Can you do sound effects, audio or music to go with the projections?

Yes, we can.  Let us know if you have the music or need help to find some royalty-free tracks for your project.